Sunday, August 29, 2010


I decided that this school year I was going to keep it simple. I tend to try to do a lot and really try to pack the 30 minute lesson, this year I will be trying to focus more on practice the vocabulary and use it on sentences. I'm even thinking about having the children watch a movie and then ask them questions about what they understood. I'll keep you posted on this one....


  1. Small groups is the key: right now I have 4 children per class, we usually get more children as the year goes by, so I will be keeping the groups to no more than 6 children.

  2. Be consistent on your beginning and ending routines: make sure you start all the classes the same way and finish them the same. I always start with a song and end with the calendar; choose any routine that you feel comfortable with and stick to it!

  3. Discipline: tell the children what you'll be doing when they don't behave appropriately and follow through! I give one warning, if they don't stop then they'll sit out of the circle until they're ready to come back, usually this works since they don't like to be left out :)

  4. Don't force the children to participate: children learn differently, some like to shout every answer even if it's wrong, some just like to participate when they're totally confident on the answer, some just like to listen and choose not to participate. Let them choose, they are all learning no matter how much they participate.

  5. Have fun!

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